Plot: Jack Mosley, a burnt-out detective, is assigned the unenviable task of transporting a fast-talking convict from jail to a courthouse 16 blocks away. However, along the way he learns that the man is supposed to testify against Mosley's colleagues, and the entire NYPD wants him dead. Mosley must choose between loyalty to his colleagues and protecting the witness, and never has such a short distance seemed so long...
Alternative Plot: Boozy and world-weary, NYPD Detective Jack Mosley (Bruce Willis) draws a routine assignment to transport trial witness Eddie Bunker (Mos Def) to the courthouse by 10 a.m. The task quickly becomes a deadly game of cat-and-mouse when some of Jack's fellow officers arrive to kill Eddie so that he cannot testify against them. Jack sees a way to redeem his wasted life by protecting the affable Eddie from the would-be assassins.
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