Plot: Against all logic, Mia, a teenage outcast and inexperienced diver, reluctantly accepts the invitation of her stepsister, Sasha, to explore the ruins of a sunken Mayan city along with her friends, Alexa and Nicole. But, there, deep in the inhospitable system of submerged caves, a silent and highly evolved predator awaits, and even the slightest mistake could be their last. Now, trapped in the intricate watery prison, the girls have no other choice but to fight tooth and nail for their lives, as their already limited air supply is rapidly depleting. In 47 Meters Down (2017), nothing but a rickety cage stood between the trapped prey and certain death. This time, there's no cage. Is there an escape from the labyrinthine, shark-ridden death-trap?
Alternative Plot: Four teenage divers discover that the sunken ruins of a Mayan city are also a hunting ground for deadly great white sharks. With their air supply steadily dwindling, the frightened girls must navigate the underwater labyrinth of claustrophobic caves and eerie tunnels in search of a way out of their watery hell.
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