Plot: The desert town of Lakeview, Arizona is being terrorized by a brutal gang of bikers led by Angel. Local sheriff Gordon Cole has been alcoholic, and too afraid to do anything to stop Angel, ever since his fiancée Bridget was raped and killed by Angel two years ago when she took pictures of the gang and tried to send the pictures to the FBI. This absolutely devastated Bridget's kid sister Cordet, who has been mute and living like a scavenger ever since. The townspeople are either too scared to try to stop Angel's gang by getting outside help, or they see the gang as a necessary evil, since they spend a lot of money at the town's businesses. Things change when a mysterious stranger who bears a resemblance to Bridget comes to town. The Stranger, who is a martial arts expert, has a score to settle with Angel, and her desire for vengeance intensifies after hearing Cordet and Gordon's story. Using her martial arts expertise, the Stranger starts killing members of Angel's gang. Hardware store owner Sally Womack schemes to get the Stranger killed. Sally wants Cole for herself, and she sees the Stranger as a threat to that happening. Sally also confronts mayor Carl Perkins and deputy Steve Stowe about the problem with Angel. When Angel's gang goes after Cordet, the Stranger steps up her war on Angel's gang, on the way to a confrontation with Angel, with pride, and revenge, on the line. Could the Stranger be Bridget's twin sister?
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