Agneepath (2012)


Plot: Twelve year old Vijay lives on the island of Mandwa, with his mother and his well-respected schoolmaster father. Kancha Cheena arrives, asking for the lease of the villagers' land in an exchange for profits from a supposed salt factory. In reality, Kancha plans to take over the island for the manufacture of cocaine. Vijay's father warns the villagers against Kancha. In retaliation Kancha frames him for a crime; the villagers turn against the schoolmaster and hang him. Vijay and his his pregnant mother flee the island. In Mumbai, Vijay is taken under the wing of crime lord Rauf Lala. Fifteen years later, Vijay is ready to return to Mandwa for revenge.

Alternative Plot: Vijay gains the confidence of notorious gangster Rauf Lala in order to reach Kancha Cheena, a crime lord operating from Mandwa. Vijay wants to avenge his father who was framed and killed by Kancha.

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