Plot: Seven youngsters are abducted on the streets and brought to an abandoned prison in a van. They learn that they have been selected to participate in a reality show promoted by the ambitious TV producer Connie Salomon. One of them gives up, but the gay Randall; the nerd Toni; the blonde Shoe; the strong Dixon; and the siblings Stanton and Angel accept the invitation expecting to receive US$ 20,000 each. The six contestants also learn that the former warden had killed eighty-five inmates many years ago, and they are assigned to accomplish with tasks that explore the fear of each one of them that they had confessed in the interview. However, the warden attacks them duringthe night. Connie is following the contestants through the cameras and feels that something is wrong; but her team believes that the warden is a joke from the senior management of the show. Is it?
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