Plot: The secret agent Harry Tasker (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has been happily married with his wife, the legal secretary Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis), for many years living in the suburbs and having a teenager daughter, Dana. Helen does not suspect that Harry has a double life, and she believes he is a computer salesman. After a top-secret mission, Harry finds evidences that Helen is having an affair with Simon (Bill Paxton) , a used cars salesman that seduced Helen with the glamour and excitement of his fake life, telling her that he is a spy. Harry forces his partner Albert Gibson to use the resources of their agency to follow Simon and Helen; they abduct Helen wearing masks and later they assign a pseudo mission for her. However, a group of terrorists kidnap Helen and Harry and the couple gets involved with a dangerous group that possesses an atomic bomb ready to be exploded in Florida.
Alternative Plot: Secretly a spy but thought by his family to be a dull salesman, Harry Tasker (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is tracking down nuclear missiles in the possession of Islamic jihadist Aziz (Art Malik). Harry's mission is complicated when he realizes his neglected wife, Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis), is contemplating an affair with Simon (Bill Paxton), a used-car salesman who claims he's a spy. When Aziz kidnaps Harry and Helen, the secret agent must save the world and patch up his marriage at the same time.
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