Plot: Jung-In (Lim Soo-Jung) and Doo-Hyun (Lee Sun-Kyun) meet in Nagoya, Japan during an earthquake. Love quickly blossoms between the couple. Seven years later, Jung-In and Doo-Hyun are a married couple.Now, he hates his wife's constant nagging and negative nature. He is too meek to ask for the divorce. To get away from his wife, Doo-Hyun asks for a transfer at work. Doo-Hyun is now stoked to be away from his wife. Elation soon turns back into despair when Jung-In suddenly appears at his temporary apartment unannounced! A day later, Doo-Hyun notices several ladies always come to his neighbor. The ladies all seem desperate to see him. It turns out Doo-Hyun's neighbor is a legendary Cassanova named Sung-Ki (Ryoo Seung-Ryong). Sung-Ki has an extraordinary talent for seducing women, but he wants to quit. Meanwhile, Doo-Hyun comes up with a plan. He pleads with his neighbor Sung-Ki to seduce his wife in order to get his wife to ask for a divorce!
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