Plot: Marshall Curry's documentary tells a timely story of political action and environmental beliefs at Loggerheads. His reconstruction of the recent history and unraveling of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) is a fascinating exploration of a modern revolutionary movement and it's efficacy. Focusing on Oregon-based activist Daniel McGowan, Curry relates the tale of a mild-mannered, middle-class citizen driven to extremes and brought to trial on charges of terrorism for his participation in ELF-related arson plots.
Alternative Plot: Documentarian Marshall Curry investigates the darker side of the fight for our environment in this documentary about the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), a radical group of activists that has gone to extreme lengths to protest against deforestation. The film focuses on Daniel McGowan, a former member of ELF who was sentenced to life in prison when he was found guilty of acts of environmental terrorism after he participated in the firebombing of several Oregon-based timber companies.
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