Japanese Story (2003)


Plot: Sandy, a geologist, finds herself stuck on a field trip to the Pilbara desert with a Japanese man she finds inscrutable, annoying and decidedly arrogant. Hiromitsu's view of her is not much better. Things go from bad to worse when they become stranded in one of the most remote regions on earth. Japanese Story is a journey of change and discovery for its two lead characters.

Alternative Plot: Sandy (Toni Collette), the co-owner of a software company, is responsible for making sure a Japanese businessman, Hiromitsu Tachibana (Gotaro Tsunashima), is taken care of while they try to work out a possible deal. A power play is immediately set into motion, with Hiromitsu treating Sandy as his subordinate and Sandy accepting it. Their relationship, however, grows much more complicated when they get stuck in the desert with only each other to count on.

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