Plot: In 1963, young Peter Miller is working as a freelance journalist in Hamburg. He happens upon the diary of Salomon Tauber, an elderly German Jew who just committed suicide. The diary details Tauber's stay at Riga Concentration Camp during World War II under the sadistic command of S.S. Captain Eduard Roschmann, who Tauber saw alive from afar only three weeks prior in Hamburg. The sighting of Roschmann was the reason for Tauber's suicide. After reading the diary, Peter becomes obsessed with finding Roschmann. He soon learns that many of the S.S. were assisted in escaping following the war by a group called "O.D.E.S.S.A.", which is still active in advancing the ideals of Nazi Germany. O.D.E.S.S.A. has become secretly ingrained in all aspects of power in Germany. One of the current O.D.E.S.S.A. projects is perfecting biological warfare rocket attacks in order to annihilate Israel, the work for which is being conducted by an unknown but legitimate German company whose workers are unaware of their task. For their mutual benefit, the Israeli Secret Service co-opts Peter into going undercover to infiltrate O.D.E.S.S.A., Peter agreeing only on the understanding that he will deal with Roschmann in his own way. As Peter gets deeper in his investigation, he places his life and that of his girlfriend, Sigi, in danger.
Alternative Plot: A Holocaust victim's diary inspires a German journalist to embark on a dangerous hunt for postwar Nazis.
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