Plot: Juliette, who has lived her entire life in a small provincial French town, has just married Jean, a river barge captain. They will live aboard his barge, the Atalante, with his crew of two others, Père Jules and a young man they call the Kid. Elderly Jules, who keeps company with his menagerie of stray cats, is seemingly a little off kilter. He has traveled the world as a seaman, with his cabin filled with curio that he has picked up from these travels. On the opposite extreme is Juliette, who has seen nothing of the world, and with wide eyes is looking forward to the new adventures in exotic locales - at least to her - with Jean. Juliette's arrival onto the Atalante disrupts the routine of the other three, who are used to living a bachelor styled life. But the interactions between the four and their individual wants - especially Jean, Juliette and Jules - affects the harmony aboard the Atalante, with an unexpected alliance between two which may bring that harmony back into balance.
Alternative Plot: Capricious small-town girl Juliette (Dita Parlo) and barge captain Jean (Jean Dast
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