Plot: When her shockingly graphic home-made sex tape leaks on a leading online adult entertainment platform, the history teacher and role model, Emi Cilibiu, finds herself with her back to the wall and in grave danger of losing her job. As the once-respected and increasingly frustrated teacher walks the bustling streets of Bucharest on her way to the parent/teacher conference to face their wrath, more and more, Emi realises that she's fighting a losing battle. However, Emi won't go down without a fight, determined to confront sexism, racism, ignorance, chauvinism, her seemingly impeccable fellow citizens, and even preposterous conspiracy theories
Alternative Plot: Emi, a schoolteacher, finds her reputation under threat after a personal sex tape is uploaded onto the internet. Forced to meet the parents demanding her dismissal, Emi refuses to surrender. BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN is a film in three loosely connected parts: a walk in the city of Bucharest, then a playful essay on obscenities, all culminating, in the third part, in an incendiary comic confrontation.
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