Plot: In the distant future, astronaut Barbarella has been assigned by the President of Earth to rescue renowned scientist Durand Durand, who vanished in the Tau Ceti region. Durand Durand has invented the Positronic Ray, a powerful weapon that Earth leaders fear will fall into the wrong hands. Barbarella crash lands on the frozen planet Lythion and is rescued by the catchman Mark Hand from an attack of dangerous dolls with razor teeth. Barbarella rewards him with sex and Mark informs her that Durand Durand should be in the City of Night, Sogo. Barbarella begins a dangerous journey to save Earth from the evil Durand Durand, who prepares to crown himself lord of Sogo. On her perilous (and quite sexy) journey, she teams with the blind angel Pygar, and battles the Black Queen along with various sexual torture devices.
Alternative Plot: Barbarella (Jane Fonda) roams 41st-century space with her blind guardian angel, Pygar (John Phillip Law).
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