Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow (2007)


Plot: In anticipation of the season's first magical rainbow after the events in Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia (2006), Elina and her pet-friend, Bibble, travel to wondrous Fairytopia's renowned School of Fairies, where, as a chosen apprentice, she will learn how to perform the whimsical Flight of Spring. There, at the elegant Crystal Palace, Elina along with six other eager apprentices, they will improve their skills in magic, and learn how to combine flying with dancing. But, unfortunately, Laverna--the kind Enchantress' envious sister--is bent on usurping the throne, threatening to doom the peaceful land to an eternal winter. Without a doubt, thwarting the wicked Laverna's plans is no task for a single fairy--and with this in mind--the brave Elina will have to team up with her fellow students to put an end to her tyranny once and for all. Will good triumph over evil?

Alternative Plot: An apprentice fairy joins others to create the first rainbow of spring.

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