Plot: To understand the importance of friendship, Barbie and her best friend, Teresa, decide to tell young Stacie a musical fairy tale of a hidden beautiful land, and two kind-hearted girls who love music: Alexa and Liana. As an enchanted mirror paves the way for a wonderful new friendship, the two companions embark on a dangerous quest to the sparkling Diamond Castle, to thwart the secret plans of the malevolent muse, Lydia. Can the power of love and companionship save the day?
Alternative Plot: In this animated movie, Barbie (Kelly Sheridan) wants to teach her little sister, Stacie (Chantal Strand), the true value of friendship. So she and her best friend, Teresa (Cassidy Ladden), weave a music-infused fairy tale about Liana and Alexa, two peasant girls who have little else but each other and their love of song. When a magic mirror reveals an evil plan to destroy the Diamond Castle and end all music worldwide, Liana and Alexa bravely set out to save the day.
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