Plot: When Toa Lhikan, guardian of Metru Nui, is captured by the ruthless Dark Hunters, he passes his power onto six unsuspecting Matoran, who are reluctant to accept their new destiny as the Toa Metru. However, Metru Nui's governor, Turaga Dume, is even more resistant to welcoming his domain's new heroes, and the Toa Metru are separated following a dangerous test. Now, pursued by the Dark Hunters and guided by the Great Spirit Mata Nui, the Toa will venture across the six Metrus that make up the great city to reunite. But even as they reach their goal, a series of events have already been set in motion that will have devastating consequences for all in Metru Nui...and the Great Spirit himself....
Alternative Plot: Six heroes use their superpowers to save a city from evil forces.
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