Plot: The teenage Gretchen moves from the United States of America to a resort at the German Alps to live with her father Luis, his stepmother Beth and her half-sister Alma, who was born mute. Luis and her mother had the honeymoon at this resort and now the owner Herr König has hired him to build a new resource for him. König offers the position of receptionist of his resort to Gretchen since she speaks English but tells her to leave the facility before the sundown. Gretchen befriends her colleague Trixie and accepts to replace her in the night shift since she has a date. When König learns that she is alone during the night, he asks her to close the resort and tells her that he will give a ride to her. But Gretchen decides to go home riding her bicycle and is chased by a strange screaming woman. Soon she learns that there is a secret in the woods that surround the resort
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