Plot: The reporter Chase Carter returns to East Mission City to investigate a mysterious building where prisoners are transported to be guinea pig on experiments to find a cure of the zombie infection. He uses a camera to record and transmit the images to the reporter Jill and to the skilled computer hacker Sandra Lowe and finds that General Lyons in involved in a secret government conspiracy. Carter is found and has to flee from Lyons's henchmen. However the editor is afraid to broadcast the images since the TV network would certainly be sued by the government. The former executive George Hancock from the pharmaceutical corporation Phenotrans meets Carter and tells that the army is hunting him down. Further, they should go to East Mission City to shut down the servers since Lyons plans to kill 1.5 million-people that have an implanted chip, including Sandra, and stop the cruel scientist Rand, who uses humans to test his experiments. Will they succeed to stop Lyons' evil plan?
Alternative Plot: An investigative reporter stuck in a zombie infested city has to stop a secret government conspiracy.
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