Plot: Spanning three generations, the Grombergs are a highly successful, but somewhat dysfunctional New York family. Patriarch Mitchell Gromberg is having difficulty coming to grips with his looming mortality. His son, Alex, has spent his life trying to avoid becoming a younger version of his father, while Alex's son, Asher, tries to find himself as he parties away his college years. The tale revolves around Alex, who is caught in the middle of this changing family. Trying to avoid the mistakes his father made, while coming to terms with the ones he's already passed on to his own sons, Alex tries to navigate between the tricky roles he plays as father, son and husband.
Alternative Plot: Three generations of males -- grandfather Mitch Gromberg (Kirk Douglas), son Alex (Michael Douglas) and grandson Asher (Cameron Douglas) -- try to chart their way through personal upheavals and come together after Mitch suffers a stroke. Alex, a womanizer going through a midlife crisis and fearing he's become like his neglectful father, attempts to save Asher from a life of drugs. None of them wanted to turn into their fathers, but it'll take a lot more than wishes to heal the damage done.
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