Plot: Trapped in a loveless marriage, with two kids, and a husband who aspires of climbing the social ladder by becoming an accountant to the rich and famous, the sad, neglected, and ordinary suburban housewife, Ruth, leads a miserable life. Unlike the fascinating heroines of her favourite love novels, instead, Ruth silently endures the pain of watching her spouse, Bob, indulging in a series of infidelities with the lustful and uber-rich romance novelist, Mary Fisher. Then, to make matters worse, Bob has the nerve to leave Ruth. Now, to get even, Ruth meticulously plans her revenge, bent on destroying the audacious lovers' pink dream. Do they stand a chance against a heartless she-devil?
Alternative Plot: Housewife and mother Ruth Patchett (Roseanne Barr), an overweight and unkempt woman, can seem to do nothing to make her husband, Bob (Ed Begley Jr.), happy. When he becomes embroiled in an affair with romance novelist Mary Fisher (Meryl Streep), Patchett does all she can to ignore it until Bob finally leaves her for Fisher. Bent on revenge, Patchett begins an intricate undertaking that will lead to the destruction of all that Bob holds dear -- and she also has plans for Fisher while she's at it.
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