Plot: In the years following the great Los Angeles earthquake, two orphans are raised and trained in martial arts by Satori, who also happens to be the caretaker of one half of a magic amulet. When the evil Koga Shuko finds the other half, he immediately goes on the attack to take Satori's piece and claim the power contained within the amulet. Only Satori's two boys, Billy and Jimmy, can stop Koga from reaching his goal.
Alternative Plot: In post-apocalyptic California, brothers Billy Lee (Scott Wolf) and Jimmy (Mark Decascos) are highly trained martial artists living in the ravaged city of New Angeles. The pair have been trained by Satori (Julia Nickson), who took them in after their parents died. When Satori finds herself pursued by evil overlord Koga Shuko (Robert Patrick), who's intent on possessing her mystical dragon medallion, the siblings are charged with protecting it from Shuko and his henchmen.
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