Plot: In a timid and rosy dawn, three passionate and adventurous teenage friends gather up to go surfing, vital, vigorous and full of life, but before the morning ends, a horrendous car accident will claim the life of 17-year-old Simon. As young Simon lies in a deep and invincible coma, everything appears to be normal; he is warm, capable of breathing and the brave heart keeps beating, unaware that the body has already succumbed to a tragic demise and that the cold machines are now in charge. Under those circumstances, there is no reason to prolong the agony, after all, Simon is the perfect candidate for organ donation, but are his estranged parents prepared for such a blow and a bold proposition? Reluctantly, as the confused parents struggle to reach a decision, a matching recipient with a degenerative heart condition will soon emerge, interconnecting two perfect strangers. Now, everything is in the capable hands of the compassionate doctors.
Alternative Plot: The intersecting lives of teens on a surfing trip, a woman with a weak heart and two teams of doctors and medical experts.
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