Plot: In a puff of smoke, Adolf Hitler resurfaces, inexplicably, in present-day Berlin, disoriented and dressed in full regalia. Unable to locate his bunker, Nazi Germany's notorious leader meanders through the once-familiar city's now completely unknown streets, mingling with a motley crew of strangers who, incomprehensibly, show a brazen and blatant disrespect to his authority. However, when the recently fired freelance TV producer, Fabian Sawatzki, discovers who seems to be Führer's perfect impersonator, a stellar career in the station's live satirical show will pave the way for Adolf Hitler's second rise to power. Now, once more, Germany is taken by surprise. Is history repeating itself?
Alternative Plot: When Adolf Hitler reawakens at the site of his former bunker 70 years later, he's mistaken for a brilliant comedian and becomes a media phenomenon.
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