The Big Easy (1986)

Plot: McSwain reckons he's an honest cop, though he's happy to go along with the kickbacks from the precinct 'Widows and Orphans Fund'. When it comes to murder he's definitely on the right side and is irritated to find his latest investigation being followed by Anne Osborne from the D.A.'s office. Out of work they hit it off pretty quickly, making it difficult for Anne to handle when his more questionable activities come to light and she has to prosecute him. In turn McSwain starts to suspect that he's investigating something more than mob slayings.

Alternative Plot: Colorful drama, set in New Orleans, about the relationship which develops between a young police lieutenant and an uncompromising female DA who is unimpressed with the bribery and corruption which is rife in his department. A vicious gang war is also simmering and looks set to erupt at any moment, as the murder of a Mafia soldier is followed swiftly by the killing of three drug-dealing gangsters.

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