Evil Dead Rise (2023)

Plot: As an unstoppable force of nature destroys the awkward reunion of two sisters, a strange book emerges. Now, single mum Ellie's Los Angeles apartment complex becomes part of the mysterious tome's dark history, unearthing its ancient, blood-curdling secrets. But the unimaginable menace that has emerged now demands blood. And as possession opens the gates to a nightmarish dimension of evil wonders and pain, the shattered family must answer a crucial question. What would you do if mummy wanted to kill you??

Alternative Plot: In the fifth Evil Dead film, a road-weary Beth pays an overdue visit to her older sister Ellie, who is raising three kids on her own in a cramped L.A apartment. The sisters' reunion is cut short by the discovery of a mysterious book deep in the bowels of Ellie's building, giving rise to flesh-possessing demons, and thrusting Beth into a primal battle for survival as she is faced with the most nightmarish version of motherhood imaginable.

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