Plot: In 1995, one long decade after the Terminator's failed assassination mission in The Terminator (1984), a now-ten-year-old John Connor finds himself in foster care, after the imprisonment of his mother, Sarah, at a mental institution. To prevent John from changing the course of history and becoming the leader of the human Resistance Army, the self-aware computer system, Skynet, sends another cybernetic assassin; this time, a nearly indestructible, shape-shifting killer. Now, against the backdrop of an imminent nuclear Armageddon, two unstoppable cyborgs--the antiquated but lethal, T-800, and the far superior, liquid-metal model, T-1000--are after the same vulnerable target. Can Sarah and John avert the coming Judgment Day?
Alternative Plot: In this sequel set eleven years after "The Terminator," young John Connor (Edward Furlong), the key to civilization's victory over a future robot uprising, is the target of the shape-shifting T-1000 (Robert Patrick), a Terminator sent from the future to kill him. Another Terminator, the revamped T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger), has been sent back to protect the boy. As John and his mother (Linda Hamilton) go on the run with the T-800, the boy forms an unexpected bond with the robot.
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