Plot: In this drama, Jesse Stone has settled into life as the police chief of the small New England town of Paradise, Massachusetts when the body of a teenage girl is found floating in a local lake. Stone discovers that the once straight-A student had started down a path of self-destruction and was estranged from her parents, who never reported her missing. With little to go on, the investigation takes Stone to the city where he rubs the Boston mob the wrong way. As he tries to focus on finding out what happened to the girl, Stone must also deal with a case of domestic violence that ultimately turns deadly. But as the investigation into the teen's death unfolds and he learns more and more about the girl's unhappy past, Stone finds himself slowly becoming obsessed with the case and is steadfastly determined to bring the girl's killer to justice.
Alternative Plot: A small-town police chief (Tom Selleck) investigates the life of an unhappy teen after her corpse is found floating in a lake.
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