Plot: Syd, a newly appointed assistant editor of Frame magazine, discovers that the woman living above her flat is none other than the talented yet enigmatic photographer Lucy Berliner. When the two of them meet, Syd gets acquainted with both Lucy's past work and her circle of flegmatic, junkie friends. Seeing a definite career opportunity, Syd encourages Lucy to shoot new pictures for her magazine. At the same time, a strong attraction starts to develop between them. As the photo assignment continues, both Syd and Lucy are forced to examine their own lives and loves
Alternative Plot: Syd (Radha Mitchell), a low-level editor at a photography magazine eager to establish herself, discovers her neighbor is the once-celebrated downtown photographer Lucy Berliner (Ally Sheedy). Although Syd lives with her boyfriend (Gabriel Mann), she is drawn to Lucy, who has a volatile relationship with her heroin-addicted girlfriend, Greta (Patricia Clarkson). As Syd starts sleeping with Lucy, she is pulled into a glamorous but dangerous art-world scene, full of drugs and unexpected pleasures.
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