Plot: For years, Interpol agent Mike Whittier is after 'The Organization', a shady international network with tentacles everywhere, specialized in expert killings. He finds the Russian secret police FSB's Moscow officer Yuri Marklov far from cooperative in pursuit of Organization agent 47, a first-grade, genetically-engineered murder machine, whom West-friendly statesman Mikhail Belicoff's mob brother Udre hired to kill Michael, having a double in place to take his place, officially unnoticed. His atypical feelings for local Nika Boronina complicate 47's life, which is on the line as disloyal result of dirty games like double crossing.
Alternative Plot: A professional assassin known only as Agent 47 (Timothy Olyphant) gets caught up in a dangerous political takeover. He flees across Eastern Europe, hoping to find out who set him up and why. However, his growing attachment to a beautiful but traumatized young woman poses as great a threat to his survival as that of the Interpol and Russian agents who are hunting him down.
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