Plot: In the aftermath of high school student Charlie Grimille's untimely death and the freakish accident that occurred during the 1993 play, "The Gallows", Nebraska's Beatrice Drama Club attempts to stage the very same play again. However, after two long decades of grief, re-enacting the cursed play that claimed Charlie's life doesn't seem like a good idea, especially when the untalented protagonist, Reese Houser, gets a bad case of the jitters only hours before the opening night. To save himself the embarrassment, Reese decides to take matters into his own hands with the aid of two of his friends; instead, they find themselves trapped in the ill-lit auditorium, where a malevolent supernatural entity seems to be at work. Now, the noose is tightening around everyone involved. Is there an escape from the gallows?
Alternative Plot: In 1993, a freak accident involving a noose kills teenager Charlie Grimille during a high-school production of "The Gallows." Twenty years later, on the eve of the play's revival, students Reese (Reese Mishler), Pfeifer (Pfeifer Brown), Ryan (Ryan Shoos) and Cassidy become trapped in the auditorium, with no way of calling for help. A night of terror awaits the four friends as they face the wrath of a malevolent and vengeful spirit. It seems Charlie will have his curtain call after all.
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