Plot: The housewife and aspirant photographer Deborah Martin is strangely attracted to a house and convinces her husband Jim to buy it. They move from Seattle with their son Ian and Deborah takes a photo of a mirror in the bathroom. She soon discovers that her neighbor is snooping on her family and a stranger is stalking her. She researches the house history and finds that it belonged to a painter who might have killed his wife.
Alternative Plot: Something is just not right about the house photographer Deborah (Lisa Vidal) and her family have just moved into. Deborah blames the place after a number of unsettling things occur. Not only does she believe their neighbors are spying on her, but everyone she photographs mysteriously dies soon after. When she finds a strange book of drawings in the house, she begins to unravel even more. The question is whether this new home is haunted, or if Deborah is simply going insane.
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