Plot: On the outskirts of 1983 Bratislava, in the waning years of Communist rule, the soft-spoken widow and well-connected schoolteacher, Comrade Mária Drazdechová, arrives at her new class of unsuspecting students. With her little black leather notebook crammed with useful information about the employment status of her pupils' parents, Mária, the unscrupulous instructor with the permanent smile on her face, starts weaving an intricate network of corruption and uncommon personal favours, of course, for her benefit. Then, an affronted father, who can't afford to lose his job, refuses to go along, only to face the consequences. But, who would dare to denounce Mária, a woman with close ties to the ruling Communist Party? After all, we are humans, and we need to keep each other's back. And the teacher is bound to get what she wants, one way or another.
Alternative Plot: A middle school teacher manipulates her student's parents into doing favors for her in exchange for previews of test questions and good grades for their children.
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