Plot: In Québec City, Québec, the murdered body of Mr. Villette, a prominent lawyer, is found by his part time gardener, Otto Keller, a German immigrant, who, with his wife Alma Keller, works as the domestic caretakers at Sainte Marie's Rectory. Based on the evidence amassed, the lead police investigator, Inspector Larrue, believes that Father Michael Logan, a parish priest at Sainte Marie's, is the murderer. Some of that evidence includes witnesses who saw a priest leave Villette's house immediately after the determined time of the death, and Father Logan seen suspiciously outside of Villette's house during the investigation with Ruth Grandfort, the wife of a prominent provincial politician. After questioning, Mrs. Grandfort reveals the true nature of her and Father Logan's relationship, which some could construe as being inappropriate, and her unsavory relationship to Villette. Mrs. Grandfort does whatever she can to help clear Father Logan's name. However, with further and further evidence mounting against him, Father Logan has to figure out what to do in light of the fact that he knows who the murderer is, that person, considered a friend, who made a confession to him. Only the murderer, the murderer's spouse, and Father Logan know of the murderer's identity. If the murderer does not come forward, Father Logan has to decide if his reputation and life, or his sacred vows to God and the Catholic church are more important.
Alternative Plot: Father Logan (Montgomery Clift) is a Catholic priest, but he finds his faith put to the test when he is accused of the murder of a wealthy member of his parish. The real murderer was Otto (O.E. Hasse), a poor German immigrant desperate for money, and Father Logan knows this because Otto confessed it to him. However, Father Logan is bound by the secrecy of the confessional and cannot share this evidence with the police, even if it means his own life.
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