Plot: Television director and producer Michael Pressman mounts a production of Frankie and Johnny in the Clare de Lune starring his wife, Lisa Chess. But their attempts to stage the play and work on their marriage, keep running afoul, and everything's threatened by their difficult male lead, Alan Rosenberg. Michael's best hope, as a husband and producer, is to step into the character that Alan has abandoned.
Alternative Plot: This comedic drama depicts the efforts of director Michael Pressman (Michael Pressman) to launch a production of the play "Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune." Casting his wife, Lisa Chess (Lisa Chess), as the female lead, Michael runs into numerous problems, most notably with temperamental actor Alan Rosenberg (Alan Rosenberg). Eventually, Michael realizes that he can only salvage things by playing the male lead himself, a move that reflects the precarious nature of his own marriage.
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