Plot: At 17 LeighAnne Williams has a six month old baby to look after, with only the help of three teenage squatters who flog stolen gear to make ends meet. A neighbour (actually from Turkey) across the street becomes target to her growing paranoia that Social Services are going to take her daughter, Rebecca, away from her. Her behavior becoming increasingly desperate as her delusions over her neighbor grow. She convinces Steven, Gavin, and Robbie he needs a lesson.
Alternative Plot: With both social services and her daughter's paternal grandmother (Brenda Blethyn) threatening to assume guardianship of her child, single teen mom Leigh-Anne (Stephanie James) becomes increasingly paranoid under the constant pressure. But Leigh-Anne's environment -- one of crime and poverty -- is no place to raise a child, nor does she have the legitimate means to do so. When she fears that her neighbor (Oliver Haden) is talking to social services, her destructive behavior only increases.
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