Plot: A nurse by day, Coffy discovers that her innocent little sister, LuBelle, has fallen prey to a ruthless heroin pusher and the city's vicious drug ring. Blind with rage, Coffy summons up the courage to take the law into her own hands, and puts her sexy looks to good use, to get those responsible for her young sister's addiction. Now, amid tough procurers, corrupt mobsters, and an army of murderous henchmen, Coffy and her powerful sawed-off shotgun are out in the streets to clean the city. Who can stand in the way of Coffy, Harlem's black panther?
Alternative Plot: As a nurse, Coffy (Pam Grier) has seen the ill effects of drugs up close, but it isn't until her little sister becomes addicted to heroin that she finally decides to wage a one-woman battle. Disguised as a prostitute, Coffy goes on a killing rampage, at first going after street dealers and pimps such as sleazy King George (Robert DoQui), then gradually working her way up to bigger honchos. She's shocked, however, when she discovers that her politician boyfriend (Booker Bradshaw) is involved.
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