Plot: In 2011, after Hosni Mubarak's 30-year presidency, ends an era of authoritarianism with the Egyptian Revolution, however, only a few years later in 2013, in post-revolution Egypt, chaos, tensions and turmoil still boil over throughout the land. During such a day of violent protest, the confined space of an Egyptian Police van is filled little by little with an antagonistic assortment of journalists and opposing demonstrators, both pro-military supporters and members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Suddenly, within the claustrophobic interior of the police van, a microcosmic reality and a cross-cut slice of the modern Egyptian society emerges. Outside the van, civil tumult rages on, but within its steel walls, there is a war in progress. To survive, inevitably, the detainees must put their differences aside, nevertheless, are they willing to do so?
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