Plot: For fear of the reaction of her absent and distant mother, April, the outgoing and happily-pregnant seventeen-year-old, Valeria, decides to keep her condition to herself, living under the same roof with her polar-opposite half-sister, Clara, in a cosy beach house in sunny Puerto Vallarta. However, the underage mother-to-be's carefree life will be abruptly interrupted, when a caring, non-judgemental, and totally supportive April arrives to check in on her girls. But, why on earth hadn't the inexperienced Valeria sought for April's precious assistance earlier? After all, how can a mere child raise a kid on her own?
Alternative Plot: Valeria is 17 and pregnant. Although reluctant to tell her long-absent mother about her pregnancy, Valeria gives in to pressure from her sister to allow her mother to help out.
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