Mannequin (1987)

Plot: In Ancient Egypt, the young princess Ema "Emmy" Hesire is a woman ahead of her time. When her mother attempts to force her to marry a manure dealer, she wishes to go to the future and vanishes. In present-day Philadelphia, Jonathan Switcher is an idealistic young artist that builds a mannequin. However, he is inefficient and cannot keep his jobs and his ambitious girlfriend Roxie Shield leaves him. But Jonathan discovers his mannequin prominently displayed in the window of Prince and Company department store. On the next morning, he saves the life of Mrs. Claire Timkin, who owns Prince and Company, and she asks the corrupt manager Mr. Richards to give Jonathan the position in the stock. Prince and Company is near bankruptcy and Illustra Company intends to but it, using Richards to sabotage the department store. Emmy comes back to life only for Jonathan and they arrange wonderful window displays. Jonathan is promoted to window dresser, working with the flamboyant Hollywood Montrose that becomes his friend. Jonathan soon becomes a successful designer, leveraging Prince and Company and is promoted to vice president. But Illustra's general manager, Roxie and Richards want to force Jonathan to work for Illustra and kidnap Emmy.

Alternative Plot: Jonathan Switcher (Andrew McCarthy), an unemployed artist, finds a job as an assistant window dresser for a department store. When Jonathan happens upon a beautiful mannequin he previously designed, she springs to life and introduces herself as Emmy (Kim Cattrall), an Egyptian under an ancient spell. Despite interference from the store's devious manager (James Spader), Jonathan and his mannequin fall in love while creating eye-catching window displays to keep the struggling store in business.

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