Plot: In the animated fairytale world of Andalasia lives the beautiful Princess-in-waiting, Giselle (Amy Adams). She is waiting for a Prince to come so that the two can live happily ever after. Prince Edward (James Marsden) hears her sweetly singing calls. They meet. They immediately fall in love and are to be married the next day. However, before the wedding, an old hag sends Giselle down a wishing well, which is really an abyss to her banishment to another world. The hag is Narissa (Susan Sarandon), Edward's evil stepmother in disguise, she who does not want ever to relinquish her Queendom. The other world is present day, live-action, gritty New York City. Giselle does not understand her new environment and is not treated well until she meets six-year-old Morgan Philip (Rachel Covey), who, like most girls her age, loves fairy-tales and Princesses. Morgan's father is cynical divorce lawyer Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey), who, because of his work and own failed marriage, does not like to encourage his daughter to dream about fairy-tales. Meanwhile, Edward, with his trusty chipmunk sidekick Pip (Jeff Bennett and Kevin Lima), comes down the abyss to look for his love. But Narissa has her own plans in light of Edward's action.
Alternative Plot: Banished by an evil queen, Princess Giselle (Amy Adams) from a fairy-tale world lands in modern Manhattan, where music, magic and "happily ever after" are sorely lacking. She is adrift in this strange new place until a divorce lawyer (Patrick Dempsey) comes to her aid. Giselle begins to fall for her flawed benefactor, but the storybook romance gets complicated when a prince from her world comes to rescue her.
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