Plot: In the Seventeenth Century, in New England, the farmer William and his family are banished from the Puritan plantation controlled by the church due to differences in religion principles. William leaves the spot with his wife Katherine; his teenage daughter Thomasin; his son Caleb and the twins Mercy and Jonas and settles at the edge of a forest. They build a small house and a barn and meanwhile Katherine delivers the baby Samuel. One day, Thomasin is playing with Samuel near the forest and the baby mysteriously vanishes. The family unsuccessfully seeks Sam out and Katherine becomes insane, praying all the time and mistreating and blaming her daughter for everything wrong in their lives. However, William goes to the forest to hunt since the crop has failed. Early in the morning, Caleb, Thomasin, their dog and the family horse go to hunt in the woods. However Thomasin falls from the horse and faints, and Caleb becomes lost in the woods. William finds Thomasin and Katherine confronts her about Caleb's fate. Is this the beginning of the tragic end of their family?
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