The Battle of Algiers (1966)


Plot: 1954. France, after the independence of the nations comprising Indochina, turns its attention to incidents in French Algeria, which they have ruled for approximately one hundred thirty years. The National Liberation Front (FLN) is leading the resistance in Algeria against their colonial rulers, the FLN who the French authorities believe, or want to believe, comprise only a small minority of the Muslim Algerian population in wanting Algerian independence. Specific incidents in this battle in Algiers between 1954 and the time of independence in 1962 are presented. The FLN began their campaign in shooting military police in the Casbah, the predominantly Muslim quarter of the city, as they were able to blend back into the scene with the support of the populace. These initial one by one attacks escalated on both sides to mass killings, where collateral damage was seen as being acceptable. Both sides also worked toward the United Nations discussion on the issue, each wanting global support for their cause. The events largely focus on two people, one on each side. The first is Ali La Pointe, a lifelong petty criminal and illiterate who the FLN recruited after being politicized while in prison. The second is French paratrooper Colonel Mathieu, a lead French strategist whose main goal is to dismantle the FLN activities by "cutting off the head of the tapeworm"

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