Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997)

Plot: Belle (Paige O'Hara) prepares the castle for Christmas against Beast's (Robbie Benson's) wishes, trying to bring him happiness for the season. Forte (Tim Curry), a pipe organ, fears that Belle's plans may eventually bring about an end to the curse - the curse that brought him more importance in the Master's life. Forte uses Fife (Paul Reubens), a flute who desperately wants a solo, to destroy Belle's plans and get rid of her.

Alternative Plot: In this Disney animated sequel, the lovely Belle (Paige O'Hara) and her monstrous beau, Beast (Robby Benson), are in the midst of the holiday season. While Belle has no problem getting into the Christmas spirit, Beast isn't so easily swayed into a celebratory mood. Meanwhile, the castle's pipe organ, Forte (Tim Curry), becomes opposed to Belle's presence, as well as to her holiday decorating, and schemes to put an end to both her relationship with Beast and any Christmas festivities to boot.

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