City of Angels (1998)

Plot: Los Angeles, California. Seth is an angel who passes the eternity taking the souls of the recent deceased to move them to Heaven. With his partner Cassiel shares memories and experiences that the deceased tale him, pointing it in his notebook. Invisibles to the human eye, Seth and the rest of his celestial race protect humans of the danger as unfeeling duty, helping us to suffocate bad thoughts and increase the good feelings. Therefore, one day the quiet and peaceful existence of Seth changes after he goes to a hospital to collect the soul of a man who is being operated by Dr. Maggie Rice, a rational woman without faith nor supernatural beliefs. Believing that she looked him straightly to the eyes while Maggie tried unsuccessfully save her patient's life, Seth falls in love with her and decides to appear as human being to meet her, puzzled about the humans. At the same time Seth meets another Maggie's patient, Nathaniel Messinger, after Maggie takes wrongly Seth as friend of him, but things complicate for Seth when learns that Maggie has a relation with a job partner, Dr. Jordan Ferris. It's then when Nathaniel reveals Seth his greatest secret: he was an angel who time ago renounced to it by love and "fell" to Earth to live as human being to marry with Teresa and make a family. It creates in Seth a doubt: continue existing as angel or turn himself in human falling as Nathaniel did. But would a woman without faith love to an angel turned in human?

Alternative Plot: This is the story of Seth (Nicolas Cage), an angel who wanders the Los Angeles area invisible to humans. As the demise of an individual approaches, he spends time near them and becomes visible while acting as their traveling companion during their trip to the great hereafter. His discovery of distraught heart surgeon Maggie (Meg Ryan) inspires him to forego his immortality and exist on earth with her as a feeling and mortal entity.

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