Plot: Following a high speed car chase with the police after a thwarted sabotage mission, the trio end up seeking refuge in a South African bank in Silverton, Pretoria. Taking the bank and its customers hostage and demanding the release of Nelson Mandela in exchange for release of the prisoners, the stakes and tensions run high.
Alternative Plot: While on a high-profile mission to sabotage a petrol depot, a trio of freedom fighters, Umkhonto weSizwe (MK), realize they have been set up, with police ready and waiting to arrest them. A fierce and deadly chase ensues which sees them seeking shelter inside a Bank. The Trio are all in agreement that someone, perhaps one of them, is an "Impimpi" -- a sell-out and police spy. The question is, whom? Pressure mounts and tension rises amongst them in the bank. All those involved have one thing in common -- a fight for freedom. As the Trio recognize their only options are prison or death, they decide to negotiate for the release of Nelson Mandela.
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