Plot: An otherwise lovely and safe getaway in the lush English countryside soon ends up in a disaster, when an inadvertent mistake traps the helpless Tinker Bell in the small fairy house of the pixie-loving young human named Lizzy Griffiths. However, as both girls form a beautiful friendship, Tink's fairy companions--Iridessa, Silvermist, Rosetta, and Fawn--boldly set out on a mission outside Pixie Hollow to rescue their beloved tinker who think has been kidnapped. Will Lizzy's sceptical dad believe in fairies?
Alternative Plot: Tinker Bell (Mae Whitman) visits the meadows of England in summer and develops a special bond with a child in need of a friend. When the other fairies launch a daring rescue, Tinker Bell has to take a huge risk to keep all of fairykind safe.
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