Plot: A political drama about terrorism, revolution, and the power of memory. In an unnamed place and time, an idealistic soldier named Joe strikes up an illicit friendship with a political prisoner named Thorne, who eventually recruits him into a bloody coup d'etat. But in the post-revolutionary world, what Thorne asks of Joe leads the two men into bitter conflict, spiraling downward into madness until Joe's co-conspirators conclude that they must erase him from history.
Alternative Plot: Joe (Ralph Fiennes), a security guard in a totalitarian society, watches over jailed writer-turned-terrorist Thorne (Donald Sutherland). Devious and intelligent, the latter convinces Joe that their leader, Maximilian II (Tom Hollander), will bring the country to ruin. Joe frees Thorne and helps him overthrow Maximilian but later learns to regret his actions.
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