Plot: The actress Nikki Grace is invited to perform the role of Susan Blue as the lead actress of the movie "On High In Blue Tomorrows", directed by Kingsley Stewart. Nikki's husband is a jealous guy and the co-star is the wolf Devon Berk that will perform Billy Side, the husband of Susan. In the rehearsal, Kingsley tells that the movie is a remake of an unfinished and damned Polish production where the two lead stars had been murdered. While shooting the movie, Nikki has daydreams, mixing her real life with the fictional Susan.
Alternative Plot: Nikki (Laura Dern), an actress, takes on a role in a new film, and because her husband (Peter J. Lucas) is very jealous, her co-star Devon (Justin Theroux) gets a warning not to make any romantic overtures -- especially since the characters they play are having an affair. Both actors learn that the project is a remake of an unfinished film in which the stars were murdered.
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