Equinox (1970)


Plot: Four teenagers go on a woods hike and encounter a creepy forest ranger and a crazy old man. The old man is a scientist who had found a mysterious book bound in human skin, the Necronomicon, and when he had read its cryptic symbols it conjured monsters into existence. The teenagers keep the book, and are then persued by monsters, a demonic cult, and the ranger. The ranger turns out to be a red flying devil in human disguise.

Alternative Plot: After student David (Edward Connell) receives a letter from Professor Waterman (Fritz Leiber) begging him to come as quickly as possible, he goes to visit the park where his teacher is staying. Also with him are his date, Susan (Barbara Hewitt), friend Jim (Frank Boers Jr.), and Jim's girlfriend, Vicki (Robin Christopher). After they are handed a mysterious religious text by an old man, the students find themselves menaced by park ranger Asmodeus (Jack Woods), who reveals himself as the devil.

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