Plot: Bartholemew Hunt (Farley) and Leslie Edwards (Perry) set out with their misfit crew in an attempt to beat legendary explorers, Lewis and Clark, to their destination. However they soon realize they may have bit off more than they could chew. The journey turns into quite the adventure with slight mishaps and some mild violence and mild nudity. Although members of the crew continually agree to disagree they form a strong bond and will let nothing stand in their way of achieving their ultimate goal of beating Lewis and Clark.
Alternative Plot: Two explorers are racing Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean in 1804. Edwards (Matthew Perry) is a glory-seeking fop who's out of his league, Hunt (Chris Farley) is a slovenly, clumsy tracker with a soft spot for toilet humor. Along with a team of misfits and losers, the duo wreaks havoc on the American frontier.
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